Flower Friday: May 31, 2013

This week marks the last of the bulbs in the cutting garden. It might be a little thin in June until some annuals start to fill in, but there are some interesting shapes and colors right now, if nothing very big. Tulip, daffodil, Jacob's ladder "Bresingham purple," and columbine "Nora Barlow." This is an updated version of the previous bouquet, swapping out the faded tulip for a yellow "New Moon" globeflower. Delphinium and Baptista "Starlight Prairie Blues." Peony and hosta. Blanketflower "Moxie" and salvia "Merleau Blue." A closeup of the blanketflower shows how interesting its shape and colors are. I thought the salvia needed a closeup too, since the color wasn't really coming through in the first photo.