My Other Prairie Skills

If you read this blog all the time — bless you! — you may have noticed some spotty posting over the past couple of weeks. That is because October has been (as it typically is) a very busy month for us. In addition to all the kids' extracurricular activities, harvesting , and winter garden prepping going on this month, I've been investing time in some other domestic skills: First up: sewing. In the photo above, I am slip-stiching a hem by hand. Most of this dress was made on my new machine , but it also involved a fair amount of hand-finishing around the cuffs and collar. This bout of dressmaking was in service of (what else?) Halloween. After about a week of work, here's the finished product: This is Tiegan's "Kirsten" costume. (Kirsten is an 1800s prairie girl from the American Girl series . I prefer to think of her as Laura Ingalls Wilder .) The photo above was from the final fitting of the dress, which I did most of (although Tiegan work...