Kids' Corner: Homemade Lipsticks
Today, our pre-teen guest blogger will share how she made some homemade lipsticks this weekend. It's like a blockbuster Kids' Corner-Meets-Herbal Apothecary post — if crayons were made of herbs. How to Make Custom Lipstick Colors with Crayons! by Tiegan Trach I just recently bought a lot of lipstick, and I realized that it dried out my lips and there weren't many colors to chose from. So I searched for a way to make my own lipstick. I came across a way to make lipstick out of crayons, and if there's anything I don't have to go and buy, it's crayons. You need: coconut oil crayons ruler knife measuring spoons pot glass bowl water containers to put your crayon/coconut oil mixture into (I used bottle caps) First, you need to cut your crayons into 1 inch lengths and peel off the paper. I found that if you score a line in the crayon you can easily break it along that line. Next, set up a double-boiler by filling the pot with water ...