Spaghetti Squash Is Everywhere
When we planned this year's garden back in the winter, spaghetti squash wasn’t technically even on the drawing . We had pumpkins and butternut squash as usual, but when we went to plant, we decided to use some of our spaghetti squash seeds instead of pumpkin — pumpkins don’t last as long in storage, and we really only use them for one meal each year . The spring was so wet that most of our first round of seeds rotted in the ground. I couldn’t remember which half was butternut and which was spaghetti squash. When I replanted, I only had a few butternut seeds left, so the rest of the empty spots were spaghetti squash. Fast forward to today, and it’s all we have. Not a single butternut or pumpkin in sight: These aren’t ripe yet — they’ll need to turn yellow in the sun, and right now they’re still pale green. This is just a small fraction of what we have going on. The vines have completely overtaken their bed: You can see them spilling well into the gravel pa...