The End of the Broccoli

When we cleaned up the garden for the winter , we left a row of broccoli plants under a greenhouse hoop to see if their small heads and side shoots would plump up at all. When we tucked them under the plastic, they looked really great: A few weeks ago I had harvested some nice, green shoots for a salad — they were tender and tasty, if a bit on the small side. At that time, when I cut the center head, there were lots of side shoots to be had: Ah, but then the winds blew. There was no blizzard, no storm--not really even any rain. But the wind gusted up around 40-45 mph, and that was enough to uncover our remaining broccoli: We could hear the plastic flapping loose before we went to bed, but no one was about to step out into the dark of night and wind chills of 5 degrees Fahrenheit to try to fix it. As you can see, the broccoli plants didn't like that one bit, and froze up. All that's left to do is see what can be salvaged from the dead (or dyi...