Harvesting and Preserving Swiss Chard
Two weeks ago, during our heat wave and kitchen demolition, I managed to get outside and harvest big bunches of Swiss chard: This is the earliest we've ever had chard, so finding a way to preserve it (other than keeping it out under a greenhouse tunnel until needed ) was a new requirement for us. No matter what you're doing with Swiss chard, the first step is always to separate the leaves from the stems: The knife isn't actually all that handy for this stage. It’s much easier just to rip the eaves off by hand. Then I cut the stems to equal lengths. I decided just to blanch and freeze the leaves. We ended up with six cups to use later (and you can use this exactly as you would use frozen spinach). Chard and spinach last pretty long into the winter for us, but this box in the freezer will be a little insurance: Once the leaves were dispatched into the freezer, I could deal with the stems: These I decided to pickle. Back in the spring I read ...