2015 Seed Inventory

The last step of planning out the garden is the seed inventory. Each year we go through our seed box to see what is still viable (and what we like) to make a shopping list. If a variety didn't do well the year before, or if it's unavailable, we try something new. Having last year's seed inventory handy definitely makes it easier to get the seed shopping done. I pull that up on the laptop while I cross-reference the planting plan to make the new list:

Here's what we're going with for 2015, quadrant-by quadrant:

Strawberries: Sparkle (new), Tribute, Honeoye, Seascape (existing)
Cabbage: Storage #4 and Red Express
Broccoli: Arcadia and Diplomat (one was superior, but due to poor record keeping I have no idea which, so we'll try both again)
Pickling cucumbers: Northern Pickling

Peas: Penelope
Carrots: Scarlet Nantes, Danvers Half Long, Romance
Leeks: Lancelot and King Richard (ditto on the poor record keeping)
Potatoes: Adirondack Red, Magic Molly, Kennebec 
Bell peppers: Ace
Jalapeños: El Jefe
Pumpkins: New England Pie and Long Pie
Butternut squash: JWS 6823
Pole beans: Cherokee Trail of Tears

Tomatoes: Sungold, Ukrainian Yellow, Rose, Moskvich
Parsnips: Lancer
Cilantro: Calypso
Dill: open pollinated
Lettuces: Green Forest (Romaine), Adriana (Butterhead), mesclun
Spinach: Tyee
Arugula: open pollinated
Beet greens: Early Wonder Tall Top
Nasturtium: Empress of India
Beets: Detroit Red and Guardsmark
Slicing cucumbers: Marketmore
Snap Peas: Shiraz
Brussels sprouts: Catskill

Turnips: Purple Top White Globe
Bok Choy: Joi Choi
Garlic: Early Italian, Late Italian, Spanish Rosa
Basil: Italian Large Leaf
Tomatoes: Amish Paste and Paisano
Corn: Mystique
Okra: Clemson Spineless
Sweet potatoes: Beauregard
Zucchini: Dunja
Eggplant: Galine
Kale: Winterbor
Fennel: Zefa Fino
Watermelon: Sweet Favorite
Bush Beans: Blue Lake (never going to plant anything else again!)
Onions: Redwing from seed, yellow from plain old garden center sets
Mache: Vit
Cantaloupe: Sweet 'N' Early


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