Strawberry Rhubarb Pie!

Our strawberries are still going strong, even though we are officially into shorter days and cooler nights:

They are smaller on average now, but they're still red and tasty. 

Something else that's red and tasty? Our rhubarb:

This picture was taken shortly after our rhubarb was planted back in the spring, but it is much, much bigger now. We technically weren't supposed to harvest any this year, but it did really well this season, and it's still putting up stalks. We figured that the few that we cut for our dessert wouldn't make a difference this late in the season, since in a few weeks it will all die back anyway.

So we saved a strawberries for a week (two pints!), pulled eight or 10 stalks of rhubarb (a pound!), and ended up with this: 

Strawberry rhubarb pie is my favorite! Well, one of my favorites. I do love pie. I know it's traditionally a spring or early summer treat, but in this year of getting perennial plants established, our harvest came in the fall. I'm hoping that next year we can eat strawberry rhubarb pie from Flag Day through frost!


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